During religious ceremonies, followers of the god of comms are encouraged to wear tin foil hats. When operating near radio towers where things may fall upon the heads of worshipers, devotees are required to wear a hard hat (preferably covered in tin foil).
The voice of the god of Comms speaks to in all things, EM radiation and otherwise. If the god of Comms is truly infinite, then his blessed signal must contain infinite information. The Church of Comms believes that the voice of comms exists as near random noise, to be discovered once humanity discovers the perfect coding scheme. This discovery, of a channel coding that meets the Shannon-Hartley limit will usher in the new millennium of comms.
When the god of Comms is angry, her mighty voice is best approximated by 100 megawatt pulse with a 10 nanosecond rise time. Man's feeble comms cannot bear witness to the full glory of such a signal.
Our data link, which art in spectrum,
ample be thy gain.
'Til modem come, thy Eb/N0 strong,
in RF as it is in baseband.
Give us this day our open channel,
and forgive us our interferecne
as we forgive those that interfere upon us.
And lead us not to the noise floor,
but deliver us our signal.
For yours is the uplink, the downlink,
and the data forever.